mojoPortal Is Now Available in The Windows Web App Gallery!

 I'm very excited to announce that mojoPortal is now available in the Windows Web App Gallery, and can be installed easily using the Microsoft Web Platform Installer 2.0 Beta.

screen shot of mojoPortal in the Platform Installer

If you've already installed the Platform Installer you can start the download and installation with 1 click.
install now

Huge thanks to Microsoft and the IIS team for helping us get listed in the web app gallery! I think this is going to help a lot in spreading the word about mojoPortal. Now we need some reviews so if you like mojoPortal why not visit our page in the gallery and give us a good rating and review.

The mojoPortal package in the gallery is for MS SQL, but our packages for other databases can also be installed using the MS Web Deployment Tool, which is installed using the Platform Installer.

Gravatar Joe Audette is the founder of the mojoPortal project and was the primary developer until February 2017.


re: mojoPortal Is Now Available in The Windows Web App Gallery!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009 6:43:24 AM

That is awesome!  Congratulations, Joe.  I was hoping you would be able to get mojoPortal added to the MS Platform Installer. 

re: mojoPortal Is Now Available in The Windows Web App Gallery!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009 6:59:02 AM

Thanks David!


Tuesday, April 7, 2009 7:08:05 AM

Congratulations, Joe.

re: mojoPortal Is Now Available in The Windows Web App Gallery!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009 12:56:06 PM

It's about time.  I have so many clients using mojoPortal and so many more to come.  I'm glad that guys running the Web Platform Installer have finally recognized that no web platform can be without mojoPortal ;-)


re: mojoPortal Is Now Available in The Windows Web App Gallery!

Friday, April 17, 2009 2:45:11 AM

Congratulations Joe! Well deserved recognition indeed! I have setup many sites using Mojo and will be doing even more this year so this will make it even easier!

re: mojoPortal Is Now Available in The Windows Web App Gallery!

Sunday, May 3, 2009 1:01:01 PM

God job John thanx

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