Administration Menu
The Administration Menu is the central location to find all gui-enabled administration tasks for the mojoPortal core system. The menu is an unordered-list of links. To add additional items to this list, please see "Adding Custom Items to the Administration Menu."
As of v. , thanks to Steve Railsback of Colorado State University, we have some CSS that can be used to add images to the Administration menu. It uses some Crystal Icons which are licensed under LGPL. Many of the included skins that ship with mojoPortal use the icons, and you can easily add them to your skin by adding this to your style.config file:
<file cssvpath="/Data/style/adminmenu/style.css" imagebasevpath="/Data/style/adminmenu/">none</file>
It will transform the admin menu from a plain looking vertical list to a list of images with hover effects like this: