
mojoPortal Core Features

All kinds of websites are powered by mojoPortal, from simple blogs to complicated portals and big-business websites. mojoPortal is built to provide simple management for regular users, content creators, and publishers, without sacrificing the deep control that developers need. This flexibility of use means that whether you just need a straight-forward web solution for your business right away, or need a platform for building dozens of websites with different requirements, mojoPortal can deliver what you need.

The list of features below only covers what is built-in to mojoPortal with every download, but it's important to note that because mojoPortal is 100% free and open source, you can do pretty much anything with it. Develop your own functionality, extend or modify existing functionality, even for commercial projects, and don't worry about licensing at all.

This is a list of the major features that come packaged with mojoPortal:

  • Easy Content Creation — If you've ever written a word document, you already know how to create content in mojoPortal. You can write your content, format it, and add pictures & videos, all in the browser. Then, once you're ready, you can publish it with a single click.

  • Flexible Pages & Menus — mojoPortal makes creating and managing pages easy, even if you have a large website. The drag-and-drop page manager gives you an interactive visual outline of your website, and menus are automatically created as determined by your skin, so you don't ever have to worry about it.

  • Search Engine Optimization — mojoPortal allows for the creation of clean, semantic markup. The content creation & editing tools are built with SEO in mind, and if you need to custom-tailor your SEO solution, almost all of the markup generated by the CMS is controllable through your skin.

  • Role-Based Security — In mojoPortal users have roles which determine what they can do on your site. You might have one role for management, one for content creation, another for forum moderators, etc. You can control access for viewing & editing content separately, and micro-manage it per-page & per-module.

  • Content History — Made a mistake? No problem. You can retrieve old content, even multiple changes back, and view a live comparison between the current content and the old. Then you can just copy the bit you need from the old content or do a full rollback.

  • Manage Files & Folders — With mojoPortal you have full control over your website, and you'll be able to create, move, rename, and delete files & folders all from the browser. You'll also be able to view and manage media from one convenient location before deciding where to publish it.

  • Language Localization — mojoPortal has been translated by our community into 10 different languages. If your language is supported, you can change the resource files easily. If your language is not supported and you're interested in translating it, please let us know, that would be great!

  • Internal Site Search — All of the content you create in mojoPortal is automagically indexed with the internal search service, allowing end-users to easily find the content on your site without relying on a search giant like Google, who might change their SEO standards any time.

  • Content Workflow — Site administrators can control which user roles are allowed to create drafts, and which are allowed to publish. Not everyone needs the same access, so we let you configure who does what, which allows you to have a variety of contributors to your website while still maintaining full control over it yourself.

  • Content Templating — If you have a particular kind of layout that you use regularly, but populate with different content, you can save time by creating a content template out of it. This allows you to easily re-create the layout, and then just fill in the blanks.

And More...

mojoPortal is over a decade old and open-source. Frankly, we don't have an exhaustive list of everything that's possible with mojoPortal, so if you've got something to add please let us know, but here are a few more simple features that we think help make mojoPortal awesome:

  • Awesome skinning controls
  • HTML5 Friendly Markup
  • Multi-Site Installs
  • E-mail Restricted Signup
  • Full Site or Per-Page SSL
  • Open ID Authentication
  • Configurable Password Storage
  • Site Statistics (Who's Online)
  • Configurable Comments System
  • Social Media API Integration
  • Clean, well-organized code
  • Friendly URL Mapping
  • 301 Redirect Manager
  • Easy User-Management
  • Automated Member List
  • Automated Breadcrumbs
  • Error & Debug Logging
  • Send-Password Feature
  • Content Rating Feature
  • Multiple Anti-Spam Captchas

Built-In Modules

mojoPortal Blog FeatureBlog

mojoPortal comes packaged with a full-featured blog, complete with archiving, categories, multiple types of optional comments, scheduled publishing, and much more.

mojoPortal Forum FeatureForums

Easily add forums to your site to allow your community to interact, and/or provide support. The forums on this site run on mojoPortal (as does everything on this site), and you can also see a live demo here.

mojoPortal Event Calendar FeatureEvent Calendar

List your events on a public calendar for your users to see. Set a title, description, date, time, and location, and even enable automated driving-directions via Google Maps if you'd like. It's all stupid-simple to set up and for your users to interact with.

mojoPortal Webstore FeatureWebstore

Sell real world items or software downloads on your site, easily. Authorize.NET, PlugNPay, PayPal, and WorldPay payment gateways are supported, software downloads are there immediately after purchase according to configurable download terms.

mojoPortal Image Gallery FeatureImage Galleries

Share your photos on your site, directly from your device of choice, with no worries. Thumbnails will already be created at different sizes as needed so you don't have to worry about load times for mobile users.

mojoPortal RSS Feed FeatureRSS Feed

Whether you want to create a feed from your own blog, or somebody else's, and display it on your site, mojoPortal makes it easy. Simply enter the RSS feed URL, and the link to the page it originated from, and that content will be automatically aggregated to your site.

mojoPortal Newsletter FeatureNewsletter

Write your newsletters directly from your website, just like the rest of your content. You can manage subscriptions and allow users to subscribe directly from the site, too!

mojoPortal Contact Form FeatureContact Forms

Set up a simple contact form to allow web visitors to send you a message. Messages are stored on the site for administrators to see, and can also be automatically sent to whatever email address(es) you'd like.

mojoPortal Shared Files FeatureShared Files

Safely & securely share your files online, with configurable access rights by-role, recorded download count, and file history (save old versions of files for later recovery).

mojoPortal Media Player FeaturesMedia Players

Easily create media playlists for audio/video files with our fully-skinnable jPlayer based media players. Simple features include auto-play, shuffle, and full-screen playback.

mojoPortal Poll FeaturePoll

Create custom polls that your users can vote on, and even let them vote anonymously. Choose to share the results publicly or store them for just administrators to see.

mojoPortal Survey FeatureSurvey

Build a custom in-site survey to request data from your users. Create multiple pages of separate question types including simple text, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown lists, and dates.

Downloadable Add-ons

If the functionality you need isn't pre-packaged into mojoPortal, check out all the add-ons you can get that provide extended functionality.

Browse Add-Ons

Built-In Security in mojoPortal

Security is a wide-ranging topic that requires ongoing concern and vigilance, no matter what field you're in. Particularly in online security, there are always trade-offs between optimal security and optimal user experience (usability and easy maintenance). Our goal with mojoPortal CMS is to provide security features that allow you to make the decision any time a tradeoff is required. We know that sometimes these can be tough choices, and that different kinds of websites will require different approaches to security. Your personal blog simply doesn't need the same level of security as a banking application, for instance, and we don't want to force that on you.

mojoPortal is nearly 15 years old, has been used to create thousands of websites, and we believe it has stood the test of time when it comes to security. Here are a few of the security features:

Password Encryption

Storing passwords in plain-text is one example of a security trade-off: if you store your passwords in encrypted format, your site is more secure, but if a user forgets their password it cannot be sent back to them, and must be reset. If you store your passwords in plain-text, an option will automatically be enabled to allow users to recover their password to their email address of record.

Server-Browser Communications

The primary security measure used to protect data sent between the browser and the server is SSL Encryption.

In mojoPortal, you can enable SSL for a full site, or just the authentication pages, or control it on a per-page basis of your own choosing. Once SSL is enabled, controlling how it is used on your site is as simple as checking a box in your site or page settings.

Spam Security

Nobody likes spam, it's one of the most annoying things on the internet, but like other security features, there is a user-experience-cost to most spam prevention techniques, so we leave the decision up to you.

Avoid Bogus Registrations — Enable the "Require E-mail Confirmation for Registration" option in the Site Settings (security tab). This will send new users an e-mail message with a link to confirm their account before they can log in.

Avoid Spam Messages — Enable one of three different captchas: Simple Math Captcha, Subkismet Captcha, or ReCaptcha.

Authenticated users will never see captchas (hooray!).

Role-Based Security

Security shouldn't consider only what potential hackers might try, but what users might try too. mojoPortal uses a user-role system to secure viewing & editing rights for both pages and modules, and all of it is granularly configurable. Logged in users are automatically added to an "Authenticated Users" role, which makes it easy to create pages that anonymous users cannot see, but you can also split up your content into different sections which only users with certain roles can see or edit, and you can even create your own roles and set their permissions specifically.

This means that it's easy to ensure that your users only ever see what you want them to see, so you avoid any potential security slips among regular users.

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