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Using version 2228
I have a skin with a SiteMenu along the top just showing the top level and then a PageMenu along the side showing the submenu. When you click an item in the PageMenu that has no children the PageMenu disappears!
This site contains "separate" sites. If I have a page displaying the child pages menu. The child pages menu links don't seem to recognise they are in a different "site" they just go to the root instead.
eg the link should be but instead it is
Any help would be much appreciated
Hi Tracey,
Can you upgrade to the latest version and see if the problem persists?
Hi ,
With out skin changing is there any option to hide the page menu in a new page ?
<portal:PageMenu id="PageMenu1" runat="server" UseTreeView="true" />
Hi Joe,
Please help...
If you look in Site Settings there is a checkbox to allow hiding the menu on pages. If you check that box then a checkbox will appear in page settings to allow hiding the main menus. However it hides both SiteMenu and PageMenu.
Hope that helps,