I just updated the article Using Superfish Menus because it wasn't up to date with latest skin changes. The only changes I made were for the settings on <portal:SiteMenu in layout.master and added a section for theme.skin settings. The most up to date example in skins we ship is the jqueryui-1 skin, make sure you get the latest version from /Data/skins since the skins in the site specific folders are not touched during upgrades.
When I try the latest jqueryui-1 skin I find it works if I change the speed from 'fast' to 'normal' it slows down the animation of opening sub menus when you hover over the top level. So it seems to be working for me though I didn't experiment with other options.
If you are having trouble with it use Firebug or other browser tools to look at whether there are any script errors or files failing to load. Note that if the script is failing to load the menu does still work by css and it is faster than when the script is doing the animation, so my best guess is you have something not quite right in your layout.master file, ie possibly missing the script reference.
Hope that helps,