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Yesterday a spamming bot posted some spam in a very old topic (3 years ago)
What's strange is that now, for that topic, the skin it's an hybrid between the actual one and the one used at that time.
And it's only that topic, look
This is a topic from 3 years ago:
and this is the topic hit by the spambot
As you can see, there is a different skin applied, what can cause this problem? There is no option to do a such thing
I deleted the spam message (in russian and written in BBCode), but still it's like that.
If you view the source of the page carefully you'll see there is still a post on there with a link to your old skin embedded in the post itself
It's true, there was a <link href="../../../Data/Sites/1/skins/dandandin/csshandler.ashx?skin=dandandin" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> embedded in the 4th post.
I did not notice it, because i was looking in the header of the page, sorry