How about a Q&A module like Yahoo Answers?

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12/31/2011 11:32:02 AM
Total Posts 66

How about a Q&A module like Yahoo Answers?

Not sure if this has been suggested yet. How about a module similar to Yahoo Answers? (


Ability to add categories

Post new question

Answer a question

Recent Questions list

Popular list

Best Answer (by vote) list

Highest voted questions list

Unanswered questions and least answers list

Ability to search questions and answers

member activity list (each member has own list)

Social sharing ability

subscribe/unsubscribe (email notificaiton on answers)

Captcha (on or off option) to post question/answer


1/1/2012 7:55:58 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How about a Q&A module like Yahoo Answers?

Eventually our forums will evolve with features like this.



1/3/2012 4:55:23 AM
Total Posts 66

Re: How about a Q&A module like Yahoo Answers?


Also how about a long article module, with the ability to paginate long items (maybe drop a tag in for page breaks and pagination.

Main module would list articles by title, have a description and a thumbnail. Something like this


We developed a publishing CMS based on iBuySpy too, however I don't have time or funds to continue the development, since the last version. I can provide the module code and source, it might help you get a long article module started more quickly. MojoPortal has so many features that I can use as opposed to our CMS, so I have no problem contributing code from our modules  ( though).

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