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9/20/2011 3:03:12 PM
Total Posts 59


I've read on SEO and understand the basic concepts of meta data, keywords and relevant page content.

On the subject of URLs, if someone searches for my website i.e., when they visit the site, I assume that they are really viewing

If this is the case, am I able to change Default.aspx to something more relevant i.e. so that google will cache not only the meta data and page content but the relevant URL of used car parts? I know how to rename page URLs but I wanted to check before I attempt to change the default page.

Cheers for any help.


9/21/2011 8:44:15 AM
Total Posts 245
mojoPortal Community Expert


Hi Andy

I have several mojoPortal sites that have been in Google for over 2 years.  Google has never shown a reference to mysite's default.aspx.  They always list home.aspx, blog.aspx, about.aspx, etc...

A few days ago, I did attempt to change one of my mojoPortal sites home page reference using the pages "Canonical Url Override" and instantly lost all that pages Google +1's till I removed it.  See this post

BTW in case you did not know - The meta keywords tag is no longer referenced by Google.  I'm not sure if the Bing/Yahoo team use it or not.

Google wants... Content, Links, Title, Description, now (+1's), Links, Links, Links as well as 200 other secret ranking indicators.  Did I say Links?

Rick Hubka

9/21/2011 2:43:02 PM
Total Posts 59


Hi Rick - Thanks for the reply.

Okay I think I'll leave the "Canonical Url Override" for the time being.

Even more interesting are your comments to links. I'm fairly new to web development but a friend also mentioned links and linking to pages that have high page ranks although they should have relevant content?

I've been through all pages on my site and have refined the content, titles, descriptions and meta keywords although I note that meta keywords is no longer used by Google (I had already done this).

So my focus now turns to links, and how to link to sites.

As I said I am new to all this so I think a spell of night time reading is in order.



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