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I am using a blog module and trying to understand how the next/prev sequences are controlled.
Currently I have 9 posts in the blog but 2 of them never show up in the next prev sequence even though they are listed on the main blog page.
Am I missing some setting?
They should show up, is it a public site where I can see it?
Can you reproduce it on the demo site?
ps moved this thread from the Developer Forums since it is not a question about working with the source code.
Hi Joe
The site is on our development/staging server which is restricted by IP on the firewall - if you can let me have your external IP I can add you to the access list.
Ah I noticed it had vanished - while I was re-editing it! Sorry about that.
What got lost was further testing reveals that whether going forward or backwards 2 are missing BUT they not the same 2 one will only show going forward and another going back - th eonly thing I can think is it is to do with having the same start date set as dd/mm/yyyy entered manuall so hh:mm all 00:00 - will try to fix by frigging the dates. This is testing prior to trying to import a whole load of posts from an existing site so I was trying to get a better understanding of what is needed.
John (entity formally known as thefatman)
Ha! that was it - you cannot have 3 posts with identical start dates - 2 is fine but if 3 the 3rd never shows hence the different results going forward and going back. Will fix my imports to make the start datetimes unique.
Have reproduced this on the demo site - see 3 posts John Test 1,2 3 - try the next prev links. It seems to be caused by having the exact same date set on the post - not normal but I think it should cope with that
Hi John,
Without the dates being different at least by a second then there really is no previous or next post. Conceptually posts that are at the exact same time are not previous or next to each other. There is no way to find the previous or next post if we can't base it on the publication date being less than or greater than the current post since that is what the sequence is based on. Using the UI this would not happen unless you do it on purpose. If you are importing posts you should factor this in and adjust the times during import so they are not exactly the same.