I'm doing some work using the new HTML5 canvas tag in a custom mojoPortal feature. Very Cool stuff!
To get rid of the annoying 'canvas' is not supported warning using XHTML 1.0 transition I have switched my VS 2010 Target schema for Validation to HTML5.
A couple of questions:
1) Should I be using a Target schema for Validation of XHTML5 or HTML5?
2) In the footer of my layout.master I have a link basically saying my mojoPortal site is XHTML 1.0 compliant but now it is not by using the the new HTML 5 canvas element. Should I remove this link?
3) The canvas drawing app I have put in displays a message to the user that they need to upgrade to a newer browser. But... Is putting HTML5 in an ecommerce site a big mistake or a small mistake?
I don't want to open a can of worms, but I have always been an early adopter living on the bleeding edge. It's never boring being like this, but I would not want to pay someone to code this way. It would cost me way too much.
Also, I notice that some developers using HTML5 add the line
<!DOCTYPE html>
in their aspx pages above the < head> section
Rick Hubka