This is a forum to suggest new features for mojoPortal.
I wanted to use the Link/Links module for a FAQ page. I didn't like the stock output, so I used a little jQuery to add the functionality. It hides the description until the link is clicked. This could be simpler, but the standard List/Link output makes the text hard to grab (not wrapped in anything).
Might be a good option to include for future releases.
Here's my code (I put it in a HTML Content module below the Link module)
<style> .FAQ_text { color:#000; } .link_handle { font-size:0.8em; } </style> <script> $(document).ready(function() { // This converts the MP list view into a list of links that expand to show the description. $("ul.linkitem li").each(function(){ sTmp = $('ul.linkitem li').contents().filter(function() {return this.nodeType == 3;}) .wrap('<div class="FAQ_text"></div>') .end() .filter('a'); }); $('ul.linkitem .mojolink').attr("href", "#") .click( function(){ $('.FAQ_text', $(this).parent() ).slideToggle() $('.link_handle', this).text($('.link_handle', this).text() == '(Click to view)' ? '(Click to hide)' : '(Click to view)'); }) .append(" <span class='link_handle'>(Click to view)</span>") $('.FAQ_text').hide() }); </script>
We already have a Content Template with a very similar FAQ that you can see in action on our FAQ page, but it is just using a plain html module not the list/links feature.