If you have questions about using mojoPortal, you can post them here.
You may want to first review our site administration documentation to see if your question is answered there.
Documentation is a little thin on this, but in my first evaluation, on the advice of an experienced mojoPortal user, I built a simple webusercontrol in a development website, independent of mojoPortal.
Then I copied the ascx file into the modules folder of my mojoPortal installation; so when I next edited a page, my named webusercontrol appeared in the list of content features. I added it to the page and it worked. No working with source code and compiling; just a drag and drop into the modules folder.
In my latest test environment I cannot now duplicate this behavior. My question is, are user controls supposed to work like this, without compiling the mojo source code, or inheriting from mojoPortal siteusercontrol, etc?
Please ignore earlier post, I found the answer in the documentation. It's not thin, I'm just thick.