ModuleWrapper tag issue

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8/19/2011 10:49:35 AM
Total Posts 67

ModuleWrapper tag issue


I developed a custom module, which goes to a custom settings page. I tried to use this method to insert editable text areas for the client to edit, but it's not working. It worked before, but it appears to have stopped working after a ran an upgrade. Any idea?


8/19/2011 11:05:23 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: ModuleWrapper tag issue

ModuleWrapper is a hack that I wish no-one would use. The security model is based on both page and module permissions so security check methods in the base page verify if the module exists on the page but with modulewrapper there is no valid pageid passed to the edit page.

The solution is to either put the feature instance directly on a private page without modulewrapper and use that page to edit it, or else change the logic in your edit page to allow editing even though the base page methods says it should not be allowed, ie change it to only check the module edit permissions without verifying that the pageid is valid.

Hope that helps,


8/19/2011 11:20:43 AM
Total Posts 67

Re: ModuleWrapper tag issue

We set up a login control that verifies users against a separate member database. When the member logs in, they are directed to a landing page that outputs the specifics of the member's account. I set this up similar to the way that you would set up a page for editing a module's settings, where the page is physical and not generated out of the db. It was the easiest way that I could figure out how to do this at the time, and we can't really clear the funds to re-do it. So whichever way would make these content areas appear again would be best. Would I change the edit permissions OnInit?

8/19/2011 11:31:15 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: ModuleWrapper tag issue

You really have not explained what you mean by its not working, I assumed you meant it was not editable but now it sounds like you are saying it does not appear on the page.

You could try on your <portal:ModuleWrapper ShowOnlyOnCmsPage="false" HideOnNonCmsPages="false"...

Hope that helps,


8/19/2011 12:53:08 PM
Total Posts 67

Re: ModuleWrapper tag issue

Yes, it was not displaying, but that fixed it. Thanks again Joe! I was really confused there for a minute because it just disappeared one day...

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