increase compile time

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8/15/2011 3:06:45 AM
Total Posts 192

speedup build

Is there anything to do to increase the compile time?

I have a solution that I usually just change it and don't touch mojo code, but when building, because of dependencies all solutions build and so, all post-build events run and so many files are copied and it takes a long time.

  481 File(s) copied


  663 File(s) copied


8/15/2011 8:40:19 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: increase compile time

Since this question comes up frequently, I just wrote a new article Visual Studio Performance Advice.

Hope that helps,


8/15/2011 8:56:28 AM
Total Posts 192

Re: increase compile time

thanks man you rock.

I found these too (not polished), I guess I will write a blog post about it soon:

exclude projects from builds from build configuration
use iis instead of development server if possible  (web project properties, then web)
exclude files from antivirus
exclude project from search index.

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