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I have finally tried to use multiple sites feature. There are some issues.
1. When using folder-based sites, if I click on the "Add Folder Mapping" button and folder name field validation fails for any reason, the whole panel just disappear both with the "features" panel.
2. "Folders for site" and "host names for site" panels do not look similar. It would be nice to remove the label above the textbox in the "host names" panel (it does not add any info at all) and the corresponding key from resources.
3. On both folders and host names in case there are no mappings it would be nice either to hide "current" label or to add some "no mappings" label.
4. It would be nice to add "remove mapping" confirmation dialog.
Thanks for improvements!
Still have some issues:
1. Under pgsql version, adding host with the same name produces an unhandled Npgsql.NpgsqlException: ERROR: 23505: duplicate key violates unique constraint "mp_sitehosts_idxhostname_idx"
2. If there are no host names mapped to the site and I just click on the "add host name" button, a message that I need to enter the host name first is displayed, but the "no hosts" message is replaced with the " hosts for current site" one.
3. The same as 2 is for folder mappings.
These should be fixed now.
Thanks, now it works.