Ok, I found the problem, its easy to fix.
Open the file siteRoot/FCKeditor/fckconfig.js with a text editor
Look for the 2 lines like this:
var _FileBrowserLanguage = 'asp' ; // asp | aspx | cfm | lasso | perl | php | py
var _QuickUploadLanguage = 'asp' ; // asp | aspx | cfm | lasso | php
and change them to this:
var _FileBrowserLanguage = 'aspx' ; // asp | aspx | cfm | lasso | perl | php | py
var _QuickUploadLanguage = 'aspx' ; // asp | aspx | cfm | lasso | php
Then you'll need to clear your browser cache to get rid of the cached copy of this javascript file in your browser.
I'll have this fix in svn later today.