If you have questions about using mojoPortal, you can post them here.
You may want to first review our site administration documentation to see if your question is answered there.
We have a MojoPortal solution where we use multiple sites. We have a main site (1) as a Corporate site, and we also have a bunch of sites (one for each branch). One of the requirements we are facing is that management wants to be able to only maintain some content on the Corporate site, but display updated content on all Branch sites. For example, Podcasts. We have a lot of Podcasts and when a new one is created we would like to add it on the Corporate site, but make sure that it will become available on all Branch sites. It looks like this is something that is not out of the box functionality, but I was hopping that maybe you could suggest some kind of workaround or at least get your thoughts on how would you approach something like this. The simple solution would be to just redirect to a Corporate site for Podcasts, but management wants users to stay on the Branch site at all times...
Thank you in advance!
We don't have direct sharing of content between sites.
For your specific example I would create an RSS feed of the podcasts and then you could display them in the other sites using Feed Manager or the XML/XSL Module.
Hope that helps,
Thank you, Joe. We will give a try to a Feed manager.