Problems getting Dev copy working with Visual Studio 2010

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6/27/2011 8:57:22 AM
Total Posts 16

Problems getting Dev copy working with Visual Studio 2010


I am attempting to get a working copy of MojoPortal working in a development environment, but every time I click to run it I get the error: Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.  

This error is on line 877 of CacheHelper.cs. I am using Visual Studio Professional and the version of MojoPortal is whatever the newest version is as I just got the source code via TortoiseHg. My connection strings should be correct, and I am using MSSQL.

Thanks for any help you can provide


6/27/2011 9:03:48 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Problems getting Dev copy working with Visual Studio 2010

It sounds like you are running it in the debugger which will stop on all errors (even errors that would be handled), but if you just click continue on each error it should redirect to the Setup page to run the database scripts which would solve the errors.

It is normal for errors to happen when the database objects have not been created or are not up to date.

You need to make sure you first rebuild the entire solution, then just click continue whenever an error happens in the debugger.

Alternatively don't even use the debugger until you need to step through code, just rebuild the solution, then right click the Default.aspx page in the root of the main web project and choose View In Browser, this will launch it in the VS Web Server without being in the debug mode so it should not stop on errors, instead the error will be handled and it will redirect to /Setup/Default.aspx to complete the installation.

Hope that helps,




6/27/2011 9:21:32 AM
Total Posts 16

Re: Problems getting Dev copy working with Visual Studio 2010

I tried the steps you suggested, but I get the same exact error when right clicking the Default.aspx and clicking View In Browser. The only thing I can think that could contribute to this would be that the server in the connection string being used is to connect to a database that was already set up and used successfully on a development server. If worse comes to worst I will just create a local copy of the database, but it should connect just fine.


6/27/2011 9:25:59 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Problems getting Dev copy working with Visual Studio 2010

If you've rebuilt the entire solution, I would try manually navigating to /Setup/Default.aspx and see if that gets you going.



6/27/2011 9:32:33 AM
Total Posts 16

Re: Problems getting Dev copy working with Visual Studio 2010

That seems to have gotten me slightly farther. When I go to the Setup all processes run successfully, but then I get the same error when navigating to the home page.

6/27/2011 9:43:10 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Problems getting Dev copy working with Visual Studio 2010

Ok, now use the debugger to find out specifically what field is throwing this exception

6/27/2011 9:47:17 AM
Total Posts 16

Re: Problems getting Dev copy working with Visual Studio 2010

Line 877:     pageDetails.ExpandOnSiteMap = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["ExpandOnSiteMap"]);


That is the line throwing the error. When I attempt to just continue through with debugger it just throws that error again, then does nothing. From there I can navigate to Setup, but then when going back to the home page it is the same thing.

6/27/2011 9:50:09 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Problems getting Dev copy working with Visual Studio 2010

The setup script for version should have populated that field, it has the script:

UPDATE mp_Pages
SET ExpandOnSiteMap = 1


I guess you can run that manually on your db to get past this error.

6/27/2011 10:01:10 AM
Total Posts 16

Re: Problems getting Dev copy working with Visual Studio 2010

That got a bit farther. Now I got a new error: Unrecognized Guid format.

Line 969:        pageDetails.PubTeamId = new Guid(reader["PubTeamId"].ToString());

6/27/2011 10:06:10 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Problems getting Dev copy working with Visual Studio 2010

This one should have been populated by the script which has this:

UPDATE mp_Pages
SET PubTeamId = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'

6/27/2011 10:11:14 AM
Total Posts 16

Re: Problems getting Dev copy working with Visual Studio 2010

And another error: Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.

Line 970:    pageDetails.IncludeInChildSiteMap = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["IncludeInChildSiteMap"]);


When I run the Setup it says that my db is up to date at version Is there anywhere I can obtain the scripts to just update the database to wherever it needs to be? Who knows how many more of these errors I will get and I would hate to bother you with each individual one.


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