Q about the Email/SMTP setup article

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6/1/2011 12:03:30 PM
Total Posts 114

Q about the Email/SMTP setup article

Hi guys,

I note that the article states the following:

system.net Configuration (required for versions prior to

If you are running an older version of mojoPortal, you also need to specify SMTP settings at the bottom of Web.config in the system.net section. These settings were needed to support use of some of the built in ASP.NET 2.0 controls like PasswordRecovery, whereas the appSettings section has been in use in mojoPortal since before 2.0 ASP.NET came out. Note: If you are running version or later, this entire system.net section can be removed or commented out of web.config.

If, however, you're running a newer version of mojoPortal and comment out the system.net section, do you still need to specify these settings someplace else?


Duane T. Doutel

Doutel Software Services, LLC

6/2/2011 5:59:12 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Q about the Email/SMTP setup article

Hi Duane,

The Email Configuration article also talks about the needed settings in the <appSettings section, that has not changed. In older versions we needed both the <appSettings stuff and the <system.net stuff but now we only need the <appSettings.

The <appSettings stuff can go in user.config which makes it easier during upgrades because you have less things to maintain in Web.config, whereas the system.net stuff had to be maintained in Web.config in previous versions.

Hope that helps,


6/2/2011 10:21:40 AM
Total Posts 114

Re: Q about the Email/SMTP setup article

Ah, ok; so we don't need the smtp settings at all, then. the appsettings stuff I have covered already. Thank you, Joe! Appreciate the reply!



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