User Registration Form

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5/20/2011 12:36:47 PM
Total Posts 42

User Registration Form

Please how can I customize the registration form?

I have gone through the documentation provided, very nice.

It's great that mojoportal offers the capability to add custom properties through the config.

But, I need to add things like a file upload control.

I want to require that users upload documents as part of the registration process.

Please how can I do this?

Also, How do I make it such that users that register are only activated by an administrator, such that after registering, the administrator will have to enable the account

5/20/2011 1:41:03 PM
Total Posts 115
mojoPortal Community Expert

Re: User Registration Form

First thing I would mention before under taking a task like this is to read the following link. That link goes into detail about not forking the mojoPortal core code. If you do this it would make updgrade very difficult if not impossible.

The best way to do what you need is to create you own customer registration by studying the current registration code and using that as a basis for creating you own. If you are not familiar with the developer documentation and videos I would watch those before starting anything as they are a great reference.

This post ask something similar and you can read Jamie E. response about the .config file setting to redirect to your customer registration page.

5/21/2011 12:50:03 PM
Total Posts 42

Re: User Registration Form

Thanks aaron, you are very correct.

I have successfully implemented your two suggestions.

Both the custom registration page, the redirection through config, and post-registration redirection.

I think the .config option is cleaner (only that it is a global setting and affects all your sites. but in my case, i'm creating only one site, so it's perfectly fine).

Thank you once again for your time.


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