Mojoportal and galleryserverpro
I am using Mojoportal as my website system - (Danish scout group)
We have a lot of pictures (10.000+) - and I don't think Mojoporal is the good enough to control all the pictures with galleryfunctions - so I am planing to use Gallery Server Pro ( as our gallery - (under construction)
Both system lets the users of the sites create a personal user - but I will like to have the two systems use the same login information and database, so a visitor don't have to make 2 profiles - Gallery Server Pro, has a good administrator guide there also describes how to let Galleryserverpro use another sql database for login - but my own sql and experties is not enough to make this by my self.
So I will like to know if somebody will give me a estimated price on combind the two systems for login so the user can use her/his login settings from Mojoportal on Galleryserverpro