File missing after deploy

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5/5/2011 2:17:41 PM
Total Posts 22

File missing after deploy


Im currently trying to deploy mopoportal for the first time and I am having problems with files missing from the deployed package. The steps im taking are the same as described in mojo docs.

1. Release build of custom modules(prob not needed)

2. Release build of entire solution

3. Depoly web folder using Unleash it.(all file types included)

The problem is the package which Unleashit creates is missing App_Browser, App_GlobalResources, App_Masterpages and prob more(I have not done a compare to downloaded releases file)

When I try to run i get an error relating to missing GlobalResources files. I can get the missing folders from mojoportal release files but when i tried adding a page i got another error so I presume the app is litter with them.

Has anyone come across similar issue's? Starting to pull my hair out here as I cant see any probs with deploy process.

Thanks in advance for any help. Much appreciated

5/5/2011 3:26:55 PM
Total Posts 22

Re: File missing after deploy

ok. just realised I was missing some file masks in unleashit. Stupid mistake. I could have saved myself a lot of time if id found the edit profile button earlier. At least it should be sorted now

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