tooltip in menu

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4/21/2011 4:33:51 AM
Total Posts 2

tooltip in menu

I am new to mojoPortal and just evaluating the system for different installations.
In some web applications I need tooltips in menus. Is there a way to configure the menu-system (or the Telerik menu wrapper) to set the corresponding page title as a tooltip in the menu?
E.g. the navigation name is "News", page title and tooltip should be "Breaking News Here" and so on.
Can you give me hint or where I have to look in the source?

Thanks and Regards

4/21/2011 9:13:01 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: tooltip in menu

Sorry but this is not currently supported. The menu is databound to our site map data source. To have a tooltip with different text than the menu link would require an additional field in the database for a page description. I will add a wish list item for this in our project tracker.

However, supporting that would mean losing the ability to add a custom CSS class to menu items, the .NET menu controls don't have a good way to do this or to add extra properties so we used the tooltip as storage for the custom CSS class (since we are not currently using it for tooltips) and implemented our menu adapter to use that for rendering the extra css class. It would be configurable to disable the use of the tooltip for the custom css but there is no where else to store the data so it would mean not being able to use that feature. So at best if we implement this it will be a tradeoff choice between using tooltips or being able to easily stle specific menu items differently than others.

Sometimes people ask about just using the same text for the tooltip as for the menu link, but this adds no real value and also makes the menu extremely obnoxious for users who use assistive technology such as screen readers, because the screen reader would read both the link and the tooltip and this is very obnoxious if they are both the same and there is a large menu. Tooltips on the main menu do not really add much value in my opinion even when they do have some additional text. A link that says "news" is not very much enhanced by a tooltip that says "breaking news here".

I guess currently if you wanted to do it for just a few links in your menu it would be pretty easy to write some jquery to set the title on the links based on their url.



4/21/2011 3:05:22 PM
Total Posts 2

Re: tooltip in menu

Ok. I understand your arguments. Perhaps I try to modify the Rad menu wrapper with an own datasource.


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