If you have questions about using mojoPortal, you can post them here.
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Where do I find these files that security advisor is telling me are writable and should not be?
Click here to check if folders that don't need to be writable by the web process are writable. This might be slow. The following folders are writable but they do not need to be writable. It would be better security if they were not writable. Information about how to solve this problem _dsn ssfm
It is not telling you about specific writable files it is telling you about writable folders that don't need to be writable, probably every file in the folder is also writable, but it is testing by just creating a temporary file in each folder to see if it can write there or not and if it can it lets you know so you can tighten down the permissions on the folders.
Hope it helps,
I can't find these folders anywhere so I can make them read only... Any idea where they are located?
Thanks for your help..
they are folders directly beneath the root of your web site
I don't know about folders named _dsn or ssfm, those are not folders created by or included in mojoportal but may be folders created by your web host.
Thanks Joe. They have to have to be created by my host because I didn't create them either. lol. I will leave it for now and march on. Thanks again.