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4/14/2011 9:54:44 PM
Total Posts 9



Mi pregunta más que todo es en solicitar un consejo, cual es la versión mas estable de MojoPortal, debido a que yo usaba una versión antigua y quiero usar una más actual, pero al momento de subir a mi hosting por el filezilla me dan errores no se suben ciertos archivos, por favor si alguien me puede explicar cual es el problema ahí, o cual de las últimas versiones puedo usar les agradeceria muchisimo

4/15/2011 12:02:58 PM
Total Posts 2253

Re: Versión


I translated your post using

My question more than anything is to solicit a Council, which is the version more stable of MojoPortal, because I used an old version and I want to use a more current, but at the time of upload to my hosting by filezilla get me errors are not uploaded certain files, please if someone can explain to me which is the problem there, or which of the latest versions can I use them would really appreciate.
The latest version,, is the most stable. If you had problems while uploading your site, you should check the "Failed Transfers" tab in FileZilla to re-transfer those files which failed to transfer the first time.
Make sure you backup your database and site files before attempting any upgrade. You should also read the Upgrade Documentation.
Joe D.
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