Need a better way to do localization of content

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4/13/2011 2:26:10 PM
Total Posts 1

Need a better way to do localization of content

We need a better way to do localization of content than creating a separate site.

How about a localization drop down in the WYSIWYG editor? selecting a different local from the drop down will give you the option of entering translated content into the content block. localized content can be stored in the db linked to the page and content block. When the db query is made, pass in the current users local and the correct content is delivered.

4/24/2011 5:59:41 AM
Total Posts 123
/Mats Lillnor

Re: Need a better way to do localization of content

I agree and have been thinking in the same way.

Here is my suggestion of it should work if I could make a whish.

A multi-language-content control be placed in layout.master. One language is chosen as default.

On each content feature there are options to add content for different languages. If a content does not contain the selected language, then the default content will be used.


Also the menutext on pages should be localized so that there would be options for page-titles in different languages with one default which is the only mandatory.

This would be great and if this could be accomplished, mojoPortal should have a clear edge over other CMSes.




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