If you have questions about using mojoPortal, you can post them here.
You may want to first review our site administration documentation to see if your question is answered there.
Hi, I have a news blog on our site which displays 7 items and has next page navigation etc. I have set up a feed from this on our home page and I want to limit the number of posts to the 3 latest news items only. However if I set the 'items to display' to 3, it shows 3 items but also adds the page navigation to the bottom of the feed. Is there a way to disable this on the feed while keeping it on the actual blog.
Also is it possible to remove the date on the blog items - I can choose not to display it on the feed, but if I leave the data format blank, it puts in the full date?
Thanks Yvonne
(am using version on MS SQL)
Hi Yvonne,
Change the "Maximum Posts per Feed" option on the Feed Manager to 3. This setting can be found under "Cache Settings."
HTH, Joe D.
Works perfectly
Thanks again for such a speedy response.