Advices needed

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3/28/2011 2:15:59 PM
Total Posts 51

Advices needed

I´m building a website for a customer using MojoPortal. 

Should I use multiple sites installation where the customers website is integrated into my website or a separate one.

I´m at Arvixe with unlimited of everything ( domain, database, bandwidth...)


3/28/2011 2:41:55 PM
Total Posts 115
mojoPortal Community Expert

Re: Advices needed

This is more of a business question then anything else. It really depends on your customer and how much you would be responsible for their web stie after the initial release. My advice would be to have the customer setup their own hosting account and supply you with access to it. What I normally do for customers who do not understand the process I will get everything setup in their name. This just with keep everything separate for business reasons.

Plus if anything were to every happen with your own web site it will affect this customer site also and that could lead to problems with them

3/28/2011 3:22:17 PM
Total Posts 51

Re: Advices needed

Thanks a lot for your advice.

My customer doesn´t know anything about the process so I had to register his domain in my name. But you are so right that I should keep things separate. In case...

Thanks again.

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