Today (April 4, 2011) Artisteer went V 3.0 RC here
Today's update resolves the following reported in Artisteer 3.0 Beta 2:
Fixed most crashes reported for Artisteer 3.0 Beta 2
Fixed duplicating of “&” after using the “HTML…” dialog
Resolved synchronization issues
Fixed issues with non-working option 'Hide/Show article title'
Fixed a crash when entering badly formatted HTML into Footer
Fixed an issue with rounded corners (radius) not working properly
Resolved product activation and project saving issues
Resolved a crash when inserting large custom images (e.g. 3000x2000)
Headline and Slogan font styles no longer inherit styles from H1 and H2 font styles
IE6: resolved an issue with collapsing sidebars
Flash: fixed occasional crashes when inserting custom image/flash video
Flash: fixed an issue with repeating custom Flash videos
Added a new option: File -> Options -> “Highlight sections on mouse hover"
Drupal 7: added support for installing Themes from Admin area using “Install new module”
CodeCharge: fixed an issue with menus not pulling down