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Hi Joe,
I purchased a copy of ProFormWizard, but am having difficulty getting it working. System log has this error:
System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'mojoPortal.Data.SqlParameterHelper' from assembly 'mojoPortal.Data, Version=1.0.4055.19291, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
I've gone back and re-installed the module but I guess I've missed something as the error seems to be that it's looking for SQL data.
Any idea what I need to do to fix it ?
PS: You've done a great job creating MojoPortal.
Hi Rob,
In the Form Wizard Pro package there is a folder for /DataLayers/mysql
copy the sts.FormWizard.Data.dll from there to your /bin folder on your site
I had uploaded that .dll
Re-uploaded file, touched the WebConfig and ran SetUp again, unfortunatel still the same error.
Any other ideas ?
please ignore previous message. Fixed following your instructions this time.