Mojoportal and Artisteer overides

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3/5/2011 3:34:42 AM
Total Posts 167

Mojoportal and Artisteer overides


I'm having a great time creating several sites with a combination of Mojoportal and artisteer and has been working very well. I'm now trying to change a few bits of the look and feel but it seams that artisteer styling takes priority and I'm a bit stuck on trying to resolve this.

The two areas at the moment are with the using the icons admin menu and with superfish site menu. I have made the changes to the style.config as per the Administration menu instructions, I also have applied the changes to use superfish menus as per the instructions posted. I realise that I will need to make some changes to CSS to make these work, but after some trying canot seam to work it out.

Do you have any suggestions on what I should do to get these to work? (apologies if this is a really simple CSS issue that I should know better.)

3/7/2011 5:43:40 AM
Total Posts 167

Re: Mojoportal and Artisteer overides

I have found the solution to these issues.

It was down to Pinot Grigio. 

For some reason I thought that coding after a bottle of wine would be a good idea. Further to this I could not believe that it would be my own stupid fault and hence post a message on the wrong forum group. 

I should have learnt my lesson by now after many ridiculous e-bay purchases that PCs and Alcohol do not mix.

Anyway Apologies to all.

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