You can do this with the CSS visibility property. We have done this many times in various projects. Here's a CSS snippet that would get you started. It is for the Module Title but the principles remain the same for the Blog Title.
.bannercontainer h2.moduletitle {
color: #626262;
left: 4px;
position: absolute;
top: -23px;
visibility: hidden;
.bannercontainer h2.moduletitle a.ModuleEditLink, .bannercontainer h2.moduletitle a.ModuleEditLink:link, .bannercontainer h2.moduletitle a.ModuleEditLink:active, .bannercontainer h2.moduletitle a.ModuleEditLink:visited {
float: left;
left: 0;
padding: 10px 10px 0 0;
position: relative;
top: 0;
visibility: visible;
So, all this is doing is setting the h2.moduletitle element to be hidden but all links inside of the h2.moduletitle element to be visible. The floating is necessary on the links to make sure the links do not sit on top of each other.
Joe, one thing that would make this a bit easier would either be moving the ModuleEditLinks out of the H2 or wrapping them in a single span inside of the H2. I would prefer them to not be in the H2 in the first place but that might break current skins.
Joe D.