This is an open forum for any mojoPortal topics that don't fall into the other categories.
No errors in the log
site is still configured in user.config
Folder mappings is O.K. too
No problem, I will restore it from my local copy.
Kind Regards
I think the problems you are having are related to your host. It seems like they are using proxy servers. When I ping, it resolves to the ip address but the response comes from a different ip address So I think they are port forwarding traffic instead of letting traffic come directly to your site and this may be a factor in the problems you are having. Though if it works with an older version of mojoPortal I have no idea why it would not work with the latest version.
Thanks Joe!
No problem, I will reinstall it again.
Check your mail at yahoo
Hi Hennadiy,
Thanks for the skins, they are very nice!
If you would like to contribute those skins to the project, I will be happy to include them in the that we ship with each release of mojoPortal.
O.K. Joe,
till end of this week I will do more skins for mojoPortal community.
Thanks Hennadiy!