mojoPortal Memory Utilisation

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2/21/2011 4:47:35 AM
Total Posts 72

mojoPortal Memory Utilisation

Hi Joe,

Do you have any benchmarks for what a typical (or even OOTB) mojoPortal site uses.

We recently moved some of our sites to a hosting company only to find they have a 100mb application limit on their application pools, something which I find is quite unrealistic for ASP.NET apps (considering much of the memory allocated is for the CLR itself).

Many thanks,


2/23/2011 12:40:06 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: mojoPortal Memory Utilisation

I think you should be able to run mojoPortal within those limits as long as it is one IIS site per pool. Many budget web hosts have tight limits on memory available. Your mileage may vary if the sites have a large site with lots and lots of pages.

The thing with ASP.NET is that if more memory is available it will use more memory and it will run better if there is plenty of available memory.

I "think" when more memory is available .NET does not have to be as aggressive about garbage collection to free up memory.

Typically if you do not have enough memory available it will manifest as the application pool recycling constantly or you will see system.outofmemoryexception happening.

Hope it helps,


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