If you have questions about using mojoPortal, you can post them here.
You may want to first review our site administration documentation to see if your question is answered there.
Hi all, hope you're good
Got an issue on a full trust site that's been working for a while now - nothing major though.
The shared files module is struggling to upload a file over 30mb even though I've changed the following:
<add key="UserFolderMaxSizePerFileInMegaBytes" value="50"/> <add key="MediaFolderMaxSizePerFileInMegaBytes" value="50"/> <add key="AdminMaxSizePerFileInMegaBytes" value="2000"/>
Any ideas please?
Hey guys, good morning (UK anyway!)
Any thoughts on this please?
Hi Mark,
Everything I know about it is here:
Hope it helps,
Thanks Joe I'll have a browse...