It seems strange to me that you are creating menus with the Html Content feature when we have built in support for both horizontal and vertical menus for artisteer. Artisteer designs that have a vertical menu typically also have a horizontal menu and they pretty much just duplicate each other. This can also be done in mojoPortal but by default we do it a little different because it does not seem to make sense to have 2 menus that duplicate each other. It is more natural to have a top level horizontal menu and then a vertical sub menu that shows child pages of the currently selected parent page in the top menu. We do this by setting TopLevelOnly=true on SiteMenu which is the top menu and we set IsSubMenu="true" on PageMenu. For example see artisteer-24verticalmenu1. If you wanted it to duplicate the menus as it does in the artisteer designer then you could set those to false in layout.master file of your skin.
Regarding the editors, if you use CKeditor and you save it while still in html view it will save it exactly as you enter it.
Hope it helps,