This is a forum to suggest new features for mojoPortal.
Presently all rows on a Page have the same number of columns. For example, if the first row of a Page has a Feature in each column then the rows below will also have three columns. This new Feature, "Empty" would tell mojoPortal to allow content to flow from one column to another column as if that column contained no Feature.
Row 1: Left="Empty", Center="HTML Content", Right="Empty"
Row 2: Left = "HTML Content", Center = "Blog", Right="HTML Content"
Row 3: Left = "HTML Content", Center = "List/Links", Right="Empty"
Result: The HTML content in the first row would flow across the entire page. The Blog in the second row would appear only in the center column. The List in the third row would flow from the center into the right column.
Have you looked into enabling the two extra content panes? These will be available at the top and bottom of each page, and span the full width.
I followed the instructions that you suggested. The skin, "5contentpanes", mentioned in the instructions doesn't exist (anymore) but I added the first suggested set of statements just below the <div id="wrapper"> statement in the layout.master file of the "styleshout-citrusisland" skin. The new content pane, "Alternate Page 1" appeared on the form one uses to add features to a page. When I added a feature to this pane, the new feature appeared at the top of the page.