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Hi Joe, and all y'all! Man, I chose the right day to come visit, to discover this huge new update! And I'm delighted to see that support for Artisteer's new release is in the offing, because I'm about to re-up with them, as soon as my Linux host gets off its collective butt and upgrades php so I can install the new version of Joomla -- it's a major update this time, from 1.5.xx to 1.6 and all us Joomla fans are breathless with anticipation. But nevermind about Linux doodads -- I'm just delighted that all my favorite programs are approximately in-step!
I absolutely love the new features in, especially that "approve registration" thing, and I'm wondering if the rules for who requires this type of approval can be set to a wildcard, such as "*@*.ru" because I get !TONS! of spammers with that .ru extension, I'd like to just blacklist it, but that seems unfair to those honest folks in Russia who have no desire to spam but also no recourse to any other email domain. I'm sure there must be some, though of course they're harder to see -- they don't spam.
Everything else in looks swell too, so I know what I'm doing, the rest of today -- updating all my Mojo sites!
Sorry but the approval is an all or nothing thing, there is no filtering or criteria, if you enable it then all newly registered users need to be approved.
Sorry, I misunderstood; I could have sworn I read something about specifying who/what kind of register'ers needed approval; wishful thinking, maybe -- maybe that's something to consider for the future? I really gotta find some way to keep the spammers at bay, if not away. I use reCaptcha, and that weeds out "bots" but does nothing to hinder those wretched humans who persist in posting useless drivel about male virility enhancement. ugh! (or even those semi-literate exhortations to visit some website or other; again, ugh, I am so sick of that). Really if I could just blacklist *@*.ru I could eliminate about 80% of all my spam. Yahoo.com would catch another 10%.
Just now going over the site settings, since I got everything updated, and I finally decided to look into this 'woopra' gizmo -- is the "woopra ID" that's needed in that bit at the bottom of layout.Master the same as your woopra username? That's not really clear from what I find to read on the subject.
thx much -- terrific update!!