Set to UK

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1/26/2011 5:21:28 AM
Total Posts 167

Set to UK


This may have been answered elsewhere, however I have not been able to locate it. I am a user in the UK and as such separated by a common language. How do I change the set up so that the default language is English (UK) rather than English(USA)?

I have looked in the Core Data Administration and Geographic Zone Administration, and don't know if this is the right place. I have managed to add GBP (£) to the e-commerce but not update the dictionary.

Any pointers please.

1/26/2011 5:29:55 AM
Total Posts 167

Re: Set to UK

Ahh !!!

It's not in the settings it's in the actual spell checker function when editing content.

For some reason the Americanised words still have a a red squiggle underneath them once "corrected" to English (GB) in the spell checker.


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