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I think I know how to do this but I want to make sure first...
I am unable to get the Google Maps to work for me. (Google will not let me create an account, tells me that I am underage!) Hence the Blog pages have lost featured information that I know my readers would love to see.
I would like to build a Blog Entry that has a Bing Map associated to each Blog item and have it linked in a similar fashioned as the Google one does.
I think the method would be...
Would that work?
OR is there an easier or preferred method?
I also understand that mojoportal is coming out with an update that does not require registration with Google for the Google Map feature to work?
When is your estimate for this update to be out?
Thanks Phill
Hi Phill,
The next version of mojoPortal will allow you to use Bing maps with the blog in the same fashion that the Google maps are used. The release should be in the next day or two.
Thanks, Joe D.
Hi Joe D,
Thanks for the insight. I will wait for the next release before doing anything about the Blog/Map features then.
Thanks again Joe D.