Upper then lower case Urls...Im confused?

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1/20/2011 8:00:48 PM
Total Posts 28

Upper then lower case Urls...Im confused?

Can anyone explain why there is a mix of upper and lower case URL's?

For instance www.xyz.com/Secure/login.aspx

It doesnt make sense... Why not just all lower case urls?

Im trying to figure out the reason behind it as when am building a mojo website the site is a mix of urls standards and looks very strange when google is picking up the page..




1/21/2011 7:19:10 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Upper then lower case Urls...Im confused?

Pages such as the /Secure/Login.aspx page and /Admin/*/.aspx  are all physical pages that live on disk and are not pages that should be indexed by google and have no SEO value in your site so it matters not whether google sees that url as upper or lower or mixed case. 

The urls match the actual case of the files and folder names on disk whereas CMS pages (which are virtual and do not correspond to files on disk) do use lower case by default to keep it simple.

On Windows the file system is not case sensitive so the url /Secure/Login.aspx is equivalent to /secure/login.aspx but we use the real actual file system case because on linux the file system is case sensitive so to support running on Mono/apache/linux the case of urls is very important and must be correct for physical file or a 404 will result.

Hope it helps,



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