Setup is disabled. To continue, please set DisableSetup to false in Web.config

Post here for help with installing or upgrading mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages. When posting in this forum, please provide all relevant details. You may also want to review the installation or upgrading documentation.

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Post here for help with installation of mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages

When posting in this forum, please try to provide as many relevant details as possible. Particularly the following:

  • What operating system were you running when the bug appeared?
  • What database platform is your site using?
  • What version of mojoPortal are you running?
  • What version of .NET do you use?
  • What steps are necessary to reproduce the issue? Compare expected results vs actual results.

You may also want to review the installation or upgrading documentation.

If you have questions about using the source code or working with mojoPortal in Visual Studio, please post in the Developer forum.

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1/13/2011 12:09:03 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Setup is disabled. To continue, please set DisableSetup to false in Web.config

I have what was a running site and made a few changes to the CSS and refreshed the web.config file so they would take and now I am getting the above message.

Here is the path of what I did...
Copy user.cofig from local to server
Copied web.config from server to local

I went into the web.config and checked <add key="DisableSetup" value="true"/> I refreshed the web.config again... I even changed the Setup to false and it ran the setup again... but I got an error that MS SQL was not found... I am not using SQL... so I switched back again (true) and back to the above error again?

What did I do wrong?

OK... now I have really screwed up... I copied the Web.config from the server to my local machine and now it throws errors too...

HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error
The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid. Detailed Error Information
Module IIS Web Core
Notification BeginRequest
Handler Not yet determined
Error Code 0x80070032
Config Error The configuration section 'system.web.extensions' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration
Config File \\?\C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mojoportal\web.config
Requested URL http://localhost:80/mojoportal/Forums/Thread.aspx?thread=1&mid=11&pageid=5&ItemID=1&pagenumber=1
Physical Path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mojoportal\Forums\Thread.aspx
Logon Method Not yet determined
Logon User Not yet determined
Config Source
1013: </system.webServer>
1014: <system.web.extensions>
1015: <scripting>
Links and More InformationThis error occurs when there is a problem reading the configuration file for the Web server or Web application. In some cases, the event logs may contain more information about what caused this error.
View more information »


Oh I am so stupid for NOT making copies first... bloody dummy!

Got any suggestions on how I can recover from this idiocy?

1/13/2011 1:22:36 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Setup is disabled. To continue, please set DisableSetup to false in Web.config

Hi Phill,

What database platform are you using?

Set the disableSetup key in the web.config to false until you get your site running and then set it back to true in the user.config.

It sounds to me like you uploaded the wrong release files to your server and it is looking for a database connection to MSSQL but you are using a different database platform, MySQL maybe?

As for the error on your local computer. Make sure you have the same version of .NET set on your server and your local computer and that you are using the same version of mojoPortal release files. Example, if you are using .NET 4 on your server, use that on your local computer and also use the .NET 4 mojoPortal release files.

Joe D.

1/13/2011 2:10:24 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Re: Setup is disabled. To continue, please set DisableSetup to false in Web.config

Hi Joe,

I am running the default DB...

Web.Config is set to false

The User.config and web.config files could be a wrong version... If I can get on the server to get to the system information where can I go to find out?  What file can I open to find the version?


1/13/2011 2:43:41 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Setup is disabled. To continue, please set DisableSetup to false in Web.config

Hi Phill,

I assume you installed with the Microsoft Web Application Gallery if you are using a "default" DB. In that case, you are using MSSQL. Your connection string is set in the user.config file, open it up and make sure that it is correct. If you are unsure what your database is named or the user/password combination for the database, you will need to use your host's control panel to find the DB name and the username. As for the password you will have to reset it.

It sounds to me like you uploaded a good copy of the web.config and bad copy the user.config from your computer to your server, overwriting the files that were there. At that point, the site could no longer connect to the database because the user.config didn't have the correct connection information. That is why you were being directed to the Setup page, and when you set the DisableSetup key False, Setup told you that it couldn't connect to the database. At this point you copied the web.config from your server to your local computer and got the error about the system.web.extensions section of the web.config. This error is common with mismatched .NET versions (app is 3.5 but website app pool is 4.0). So you probably have .NET 3.5 setup for the website on your computer and .NET 4 on your server, but I really have no idea for sure at this point. You will need to use your host's control panel to find that information. Keep in mind that if you see .NET 2 set on your site, it is 99% likely that it is really .NET 3.5 because it is just a superset of .NET 2.0 so it identifies as such.

I suggest getting the server installation running properly and once it is, we'll tackle the local computer issue. If you aren't familiar with your host's control panel, you will need to contact them for help with it. If it is WebSitePanel or DotNetPanel, I can help you to a limited extent.

Joe D.



1/13/2011 6:26:29 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Re: Setup is disabled. To continue, please set DisableSetup to false in Web.config

Hi Joe,

Thanks for the pointers...

I looked at the server and I am unable to determine what version of .NET is running.  I have put in a ticket to find out.

I corrected the Connection string in the User.Config but it still doesn't work.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Note that changes made to this file are not automatically detected by the ASP.NET runtime
It does detect changes to Web.config, so when you make a change in this file you need to touch Web.config (ie type a space in it and save it)
to make it reload settings

<add key="MSSQLConnectionString" value="Data Source=localhost;Database=AllIslander;uid=mojouser;Pwd=PassW0rd!;" />

<add key="SqlAzureConnectionString" value=";Database=yourdatabasename;User ID=youruser;Password=yourpassword;Trusted_Connection=False;" />

<add key="MySqlConnectionString" value="Server=localhost;Database=mojoprod;Uid=root;Pwd=Charset=utf8;" />

<add key="PostgreSQLConnectionString" value="Server=localhost;Port=5432;User Id=postgres;Password=;Database=mojo;Encoding=UNICODE;" />

<add key="FirebirdConnectionString" value="Data Source=localhost;Server Type=0;Port Number=3050;Database=C:\mojoportal\mojoportal.fdb;Dialect=3;Charset=UTF8;Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=200;Connection Timeout=10;Connection Lifetime=60;Fetch Size=200;User Id=SYSDBA;Password=masterkey" />

you can use a fully qualified file path as shown below
or if you are using the default db at /Data/sqlitedb/mojoportal.db
just leave this set to "defaultdblocation"
<add key="SqliteConnectionString" value="version=3,URI=file:C:\\Projects\mojoportal\Web\Data\sqlitedb\mojoportal.db" />

<add key="SqliteConnectionString" value="defaultdblocation" />

<!-- if running in medium trust uncomment this
<add key="RunningInMediumTrust" value="true" />

<add key="ImageGalleryUseMediaFolder" value="true" />
<add key="GreyBoxCssIsLoadedFromSkin" value="true" />

<add key="DisableSearchFeatureFilters" value="false" />
<add key="SearchUseBackwardCompatibilityMode" value="false" />
<add key="EnableSearchResultsHighlighting" value="true" />
<add key="SearchIncludeModuleRoleFilters" value="true" />

<add key="UseLegacyCryptoHelper" value="false" />

<add key="CacheCssOnServer" value="false" />
<add key="CacheCssInBrowser" value="false" />



1/13/2011 9:19:29 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Setup is disabled. To continue, please set DisableSetup to false in Web.config

Hi Phill,

You need to also ask your host what the correct database connection information is. Usually, with shared hosting, your database name and username will be prefixed by your account number to keep things organized and unique.

Who is your host?

Joe D.

1/14/2011 1:09:26 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Re: Setup is disabled. To continue, please set DisableSetup to false in Web.config

Joe D,

.NET Versions

The Server version of .NET is 4.0.30319.0

My laptop (local machine) is running 4.0.30319 (I just changed it from 2.0)

Now both systems are running at the same version of .NET


Okay I just had a brain storm... it only takes me 2 days to have it but I just asked the Admins at my hosting company if they can restore from backup the web.config & user.config from Wednesday the day BEFORE I screwed it all up!

Keeping my fingers crossed.


if they can restore then I will do a complete reverse FTP (backup) of the site back to my machine and scratch the version I am running as it was only for testing anyway.  Then I will be inline with the public site.

1/14/2011 1:18:06 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Re: Setup is disabled. To continue, please set DisableSetup to false in Web.config

Hi Joe D,

I have resolved the issue on the server... the site was not refreshing it was still caching... not all is better...

Thanks for all your advise it certainly helped


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