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FYI -- I was able to hack a work-around by using the 301 Redirect Manager to redirect events/OrderDetail.aspx to a generic order confirmation page I created. This should do in a pinch.
Please don't do that. I will get a fix out to you tomorrow.
301 redirects are permanent and web browsers cache them, I don't think you should do that.
I know it's an ugly hack and I probably should have kept it to myself . I was put in a tough spot because we're going to have people booking events at any time and possibly getting confused because they're seeing an error message. I didn't want people re-booking the events or needlessly requesting support. I did turn on DisableCacheFor301Redirects as a safety measure and I'll remove the redirect as soon as a fix is in place.
I've just emailed you the update. Can you verify that it fixes the redirect problem and the problem where the form was visible to admin users? Once you confirm these fixes I'll upload it to the store so everyone can get the update.
Thanks for confirming the fix! I've just upoloaded Event Calendar Pro to the store so this update is now available to all customers.