more ??? about the webstore

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12/28/2010 9:58:22 AM
Total Posts 147
Download Free Mojo Skins

more ??? about the webstore

Hi Joe, and all y'all.  The more I use the webstore, the better I like it, but I'm still somewhat unclear about offering non-tangibles -- like, convert a free skin to a premium with the additional perks -- losing the linkback, getting the slideshow control file and code in the layout.Master -- I'm thinking I could set up a special shared files page which is only available to certain above-authenticated role(s), and if they've downloaded a free skin but want to convert it to premium status and get the extras, then for a small fee they get their access level raised and thus get access to the extra files.  Obviously this would not be an "automagic" process, since I would need to manually raise their level.  But I'm not entirely sure how to set it up in the webstore; for something like this, do I define an actual product, or just an offer?

I suppose I might make it "automagic" if I made a product, consisting of the linkback-less and slideshow-added layout.Master+styles  for the slideshow, plus the control file for the slideshow.  This obviously would entail a lot more up-front work on my part, to render all those free-skin layout.Master files into their premium version, so I would probably set the fee a bit higher; if I kept it a manual, as-needed process, I could justify a ridiculously low fee for the conversion.   Or if I got a ton of traffic and couldn't keep up with requests (wouldn't THAT be awesome!), then I could just go ahead and create all those upgrade products so that folks could serve themselves, as it were.

I'm just not clear on offering a non-tangible, which isn't really a "product," per se.  I can't think of other examples of it, but I'm sure there must be some.



PS.  Merry whateveritis you celebrate in December, and Happy New Year to all, since we're just about to the end of 2010 -- and I don't think the world ever did reach consensus on whether that is "twenty-ten" or "two thousand ten"...

12/29/2010 12:21:47 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: more ??? about the webstore

Hi Andria,

If it were me I'd go with your second idea and pre-make the premium skins into products, people like instant gratification when they spend money and I think it would sell better if they could download it right away after oredring.

However, you can sell products marked with fulfillment type = None rather than download, and you can get email notifications of purchases and then do the fulfillment of creating the premium skin or whatever other service. That is how my "Buy Joe a Beer" product works, but any intangible could be sold that way.

Hope it helps,


12/29/2010 5:59:18 PM
Total Posts 147
Download Free Mojo Skins

Re: more ??? about the webstore

Thanks, Joe.  I think you're probably right; one of the things I liked best when I signed up with Arvixe was how rapidly all the emails poured in, payment receipt, paypal receipt, welcome email, etc -- I've had very different experiences from time to time (remember Mochahost?) and it's frustrating in the extreme to go ahead and pop the plastic for something, and have to sit and wait and wait and wait... and as much of a webaholic as I usually am, there are times when I just have to go do something else -- cooking, dishes, laundry, the whole housewife schtick, and I'd really hate it if someone liked some of my work sufficiently to cough up cash for extra perks... and I was off baking a cake or something (like the 2 wks before xmas... my oven still reeks of apple-cinnamon!).

So, I guess I'll just work on it a little at a time; at the moment I'm still getting the ones I've grouped into "Premium Suites" online and webstore'd, and during this lame-duck week between xmas and new year, I'm trying to get my blog back online; it was one of the casualties of the Great Hosting Calamity I suffered a while back.



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