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12/23/2010 9:02:20 AM
Total Posts 154

Forum Logo

How hard would it be to place a logo image right next the feature instance title for a forum?

12/23/2010 9:09:32 AM
Total Posts 2253

Re: Forum Logo

Hi Dave,

Use the following:

.forums h2.moduletitle{ background: transparent url('nameofimage.png') no-repeat left center; padding-left: 20px;}

The padding-left should be the width of the logo plus a few pixels to make the spacing look correct.

Joe D.

12/23/2010 9:21:27 AM
Total Posts 154

Re: Forum Logo

Will this code make every forum have the same logo?  I would need each forum module to have a different logo.

12/23/2010 9:48:02 AM
Total Posts 2253

Re: Forum Logo

Hi Dave,

Yes, this will make all of the forum feature instances have the same logo. To give each instance a different logo, use the "Custom CSS Class" option in the Instance Settings and then use that custom css class in place of the .forums class. So, it would look like this for a forum instance using the MyVeryCoolForum custom CSS class.

.MyVeryCoolForum h2.moduletitle{background: transparent url('nameofimage.png') no-repeat left center; padding-left: 20px;}

Joe D.

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