Post here for help with installing or upgrading mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages. When posting in this forum, please provide all relevant details. You may also want to review the installation or upgrading documentation.
If you have questions about using the source code or working with mojoPortal in Visual Studio, please post in the Developer forum.
When posting in this forum, please try to provide as many relevant details as possible. Particularly the following:
You may also want to review the installation or upgrading documentation.
I am a newbie to MojoPortal and have just installed the latest version via Web Platform Installer 2.0. The version is, but I can't tell which version of .Net it should run with..
I assumed it would be 4.0, but IIS gets configured as 2 by the installer. I changed the app setting to 4.0.30319 but I cannot save any new content unless the IIS app is configured to run under 2.0.52707.
I have Windows 2003 and MS SQL Express 2008.
Do I need to download and configure manually for 4.0?
The mojoPortal package in the Web App Gallery is for .NET 3.5, if you want the.nET 4 version, currently you need to download that from our download page though it can be installed using the Platform Installer/MSDeploy or by manual installation.
After Web Platform Installer 3.0 comes out of Beta then we will be changing our package in the Web App Gallery to 4.0 .NET.
Thanks Joe.
MojoPortal is looking like a great find for us. I've given up on Umbraco but wanted to stay .Net
SQL Server 2008
mojoPortal v2.3.5.5
I have just installed mojoPortal on my local Vista machine through the Web Platform Installer to test mojoPortal. Everything is working very nicely and the install was easy. Now I want to upgrade to Is it possible to use the Web Platform Installer to upgrade mojoPortal? What I mean is, if I get mojoPortal through the Web Platform Installer again will it know to upgrade and not do a new install?
See below for the correct answer.
No you cannot upgrade using the Web PI, and the version of mojoPortal in the Web App Gallery is still version and it may be several weeks before the latest version is in there.
You can upgrade through the manual process and it is not too difficult.
Hope it helps,