Move MySQL from Windows to Linux

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12/9/2010 2:38:45 PM
Total Posts 251

Move MySQL from Windows to Linux

Hi, I need to move the database from Windows to Linux

The problem is that MySQL in Windows is not case-sensitive, while in Linux it is.

I have no idea why my tables in database are named "mp_schemaversion" instead of "mp_SchemaVersion"

So, mojo does not find any table and crashes

There is a workaround-fix?

Right now i am doing a manual CamelCase rename on the MySQL tables... there is a list of the tables with the correct capitalization?

edit2: fixed with this sql query:

ALTER TABLE `mp_authorizenetlog` RENAME TO `mp_AuthorizeNetLog`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_bannedipaddresses` RENAME TO `mp_BannedIPAddresses`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_blogcategories` RENAME TO `mp_BlogCategories`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_blogcomments` RENAME TO `mp_BlogComments`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_blogitemcategories` RENAME TO `mp_BlogItemCategories`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_blogstats` RENAME TO `mp_BlogStats`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_blogs` RENAME TO `mp_Blogs`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_calendarevents` RENAME TO `mp_CalendarEvents`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_commercereport` RENAME TO `mp_CommerceReport`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_commercereportorders` RENAME TO `mp_CommerceReportOrders`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_contactformmessage` RENAME TO `mp_ContactFormMessage`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_contenthistory` RENAME TO `mp_ContentHistory`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_contentmeta` RENAME TO `mp_ContentMeta`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_contentmetalink` RENAME TO `mp_ContentMetaLink`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_contentrating` RENAME TO `mp_ContentRating`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_contentstyle` RENAME TO `mp_ContentStyle`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_contenttemplate` RENAME TO `mp_ContentTemplate`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_contentworkflow` RENAME TO `mp_ContentWorkflow`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_contentworkflowaudithistory` RENAME TO `mp_ContentWorkflowAuditHistory`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_currency` RENAME TO `mp_Currency`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_emailsendlog` RENAME TO `mp_EmailSendLog`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_emailsendqueue` RENAME TO `mp_EmailSendQueue`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_emailtemplate` RENAME TO `mp_EmailTemplate`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_fileattachment` RENAME TO `mp_FileAttachment`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_forumposts` RENAME TO `mp_ForumPosts`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_forumsubscriptions` RENAME TO `mp_ForumSubscriptions`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_forumthreadsubscriptions` RENAME TO `mp_ForumThreadSubscriptions`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_forumthreads` RENAME TO `mp_ForumThreads`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_forums` RENAME TO `mp_Forums`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_friendlyurls` RENAME TO `mp_FriendlyUrls`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_galleryimages` RENAME TO `mp_GalleryImages`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_geocountry` RENAME TO `mp_GeoCountry`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_geozone` RENAME TO `mp_GeoZone`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_googlecheckoutlog` RENAME TO `mp_GoogleCheckoutLog`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_htmlcontent` RENAME TO `mp_HtmlContent`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_indexingqueue` RENAME TO `mp_IndexingQueue`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_language` RENAME TO `mp_Language`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_letter` RENAME TO `mp_Letter`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_letterhtmltemplate` RENAME TO `mp_LetterHtmlTemplate`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_letterinfo` RENAME TO `mp_LetterInfo`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_lettersendlog` RENAME TO `mp_LetterSendLog`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_lettersubscribe` RENAME TO `mp_LetterSubscribe`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_lettersubscribehx` RENAME TO `mp_LetterSubscribeHx`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_links` RENAME TO `mp_Links`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_moduledefinitionsettings` RENAME TO `mp_ModuleDefinitionSettings`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_moduledefinitions` RENAME TO `mp_ModuleDefinitions`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_modulesettings` RENAME TO `mp_ModuleSettings`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_modules` RENAME TO `mp_Modules`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_pagemodules` RENAME TO `mp_PageModules`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_pages` RENAME TO `mp_Pages`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_paypallog` RENAME TO `mp_PayPalLog`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_plugnpaylog` RENAME TO `mp_PlugNPayLog`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_pollmodules` RENAME TO `mp_PollModules`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_polloptions` RENAME TO `mp_PollOptions`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_pollusers` RENAME TO `mp_PollUsers`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_polls` RENAME TO `mp_Polls`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_redirectlist` RENAME TO `mp_RedirectList`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_roles` RENAME TO `mp_Roles`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_rssfeedentries` RENAME TO `mp_RssFeedEntries`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_rssfeeds` RENAME TO `mp_RssFeeds`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_savedquery` RENAME TO `mp_SavedQuery`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_schemascripthistory` RENAME TO `mp_SchemaScriptHistory`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_schemaversion` RENAME TO `mp_SchemaVersion`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_sharedfilefolders` RENAME TO `mp_SharedFileFolders`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_sharedfiles` RENAME TO `mp_SharedFiles`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_sharedfileshistory` RENAME TO `mp_SharedFilesHistory`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_sitefolders` RENAME TO `mp_SiteFolders`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_sitehosts` RENAME TO `mp_SiteHosts`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_sitemoduledefinitions` RENAME TO `mp_SiteModuleDefinitions`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_sitepaths` RENAME TO `mp_SitePaths`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_sitepersonalizationallusers` RENAME TO `mp_SitePersonalizationAllUsers`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_sitepersonalizationperuser` RENAME TO `mp_SitePersonalizationPerUser`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_sitesettingsex` RENAME TO `mp_SiteSettingsEx`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_sitesettingsexdef` RENAME TO `mp_SiteSettingsExDef`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_sites` RENAME TO `mp_Sites`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_surveymodules` RENAME TO `mp_SurveyModules`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_surveypages` RENAME TO `mp_SurveyPages`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_surveyquestionanswers` RENAME TO `mp_SurveyQuestionAnswers`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_surveyquestionoptions` RENAME TO `mp_SurveyQuestionOptions`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_surveyquestions` RENAME TO `mp_SurveyQuestions`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_surveyresponses` RENAME TO `mp_SurveyResponses`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_surveys` RENAME TO `mp_Surveys`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_taskqueue` RENAME TO `mp_TaskQueue`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_taxclass` RENAME TO `mp_TaxClass`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_taxrate` RENAME TO `mp_TaxRate`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_taxratehistory` RENAME TO `mp_TaxRateHistory`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_userlocation` RENAME TO `mp_UserLocation`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_userpages` RENAME TO `mp_UserPages`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_userproperties` RENAME TO `mp_UserProperties`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_userroles` RENAME TO `mp_UserRoles`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_users` RENAME TO `mp_Users`;
ALTER TABLE `mp_webparts` RENAME TO `mp_WebParts`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_cart` RENAME TO `ws_Cart`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_cartoffers` RENAME TO `ws_CartOffers`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_cartorderinfo` RENAME TO `ws_CartOrderInfo`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_discount` RENAME TO `ws_Discount`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_fullfilldownloadhistory` RENAME TO `ws_FullfillDownloadHistory`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_fullfilldownloadterms` RENAME TO `ws_FullfillDownloadTerms`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_fullfilldownloadticket` RENAME TO `ws_FullfillDownloadTicket`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_offer` RENAME TO `ws_Offer`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_offeravailability` RENAME TO `ws_OfferAvailability`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_offeravailabilityhistory` RENAME TO `ws_OfferAvailabilityHistory`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_offerhistory` RENAME TO `ws_OfferHistory`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_offerpricehistory` RENAME TO `ws_OfferPriceHistory`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_offerproduct` RENAME TO `ws_OfferProduct`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_order` RENAME TO `ws_Order`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_orderofferproduct` RENAME TO `ws_OrderOfferProduct`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_orderoffers` RENAME TO `ws_OrderOffers`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_orderstatus` RENAME TO `ws_OrderStatus`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_orderstatusdescription` RENAME TO `ws_OrderStatusDescription`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_product` RENAME TO `ws_Product`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_productfile` RENAME TO `ws_ProductFile`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_producthistory` RENAME TO `ws_ProductHistory`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_store` RENAME TO `ws_Store`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_storecurrency` RENAME TO `ws_StoreCurrency`;
ALTER TABLE `ws_storelanguage` RENAME TO `ws_StoreLanguage`;

12/10/2010 8:57:42 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Move MySQL from Windows to Linux

Glad you figured out the solution! Because windows versions of MySql are not case sensitive they usually have a strict setting that forces all tables to lower case when you run the script even though the script may have them as mixed case. So the tables were forced to lower case when you installed it on windows but on linux it is case sensitive so it needed the original camel case table names restored as you have done.



12/11/2010 5:57:50 AM
Total Posts 251

Re: Move MySQL from Windows to Linux

I was puzzled in the beginning... i supposed that also in windows mysql is case sensitive... or at least it was not destroying the case.

I extracted the table names from the setup script, but could find only 47 tables - maybe other tables (like the forums and blog ones) are created by the module.

So, i installed another mojoportal in the linux mysql, then get the tables names with a simple "show tables;" and automatically do the alter commands

Note for who is interested: on some very old (2+ years) mojoportal mp_LetterSubscribe is named mp_LetterSubscriber

I noticed there is another guy had this problem in the forums while switching host company (I could not find the topic anymore; probably that host uses MySQL on linux while the previous one didn't)

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