This is just me Ranting and has nothing to do with mojoPortal, which I love. I rant here because you people understand.
IE 9 went from a preview to a beta in the last week. So I installed it today.
My Web Sites viewed in IE 9 beta... What a mess. drop shadow borders are gone. Other borders and divs don't line up. Yuck!!!
My mojoPortal Sites all use Artisteer Skins and Telerik controls and look great using IE 7, IE 8, Firefox and Google Chrome.
I'm really getting concerned with the new complexities of HTML 5, CSS 3, the 20 year ongoing browser war and the combinations of tools I use. I do some work for Government here in Canada and currently IE 7 is the standard today. When I visit friends and neighbors who are non IT, they all use IE 8 (actually they use whatever MS pushes them in "windows update").
When I changed one Web Site to a non-Artisteer skin and viewed in IE 9 it looks ok now. MMMmmm... But I like Artisteer skins. Artisteer will be releasing a new version 3.0 in a few weeks. Will V 3.0 move closer to industry standards? Will it fix my IE 9 beta mess? Probably not. Why would Artisteer code for a beta? Is the mess Artisteer, IE 9, my HTML or those Telerik controls I added?
This all reminds me of an old saying. "With great power comes great responsibility". Who is responsible? I have always tried to make my Web Sites look good in 95% of the available browsers. As a Web developer I can recommend to my clients to use Firefox. But what browser do all the visitors to my clients Web Sites use? Unfortunately, most non IT visitors will use IE 8 today and IE 9 tomorrow.
So... who is responsible to fix my IE 9 beta yuck?
I know. it's beta. Don't fix anything today and hope MS buys Firefox tomorrow.
The bottom line is... I am responsible for my clients Web Sites. Not Microsoft, Artisteer, mojoPortal, Telerik, etc.
I'm responsible? Now that's scary!
Rick, it's just a beta. Calm down!
There... I feel better now.