Reply to for email

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11/26/2010 9:43:16 PM
Total Posts 41

Reply to for email

I know I've had issues with this in the past, but yesterday I grabbed the latest version of mojoPortal and set it all up.

However on a contact form, the "reply email" is (actually it is my actual domain..).  So the person getting the email can't just hit reply.  I know I have the option to make the from email equal that of the text box.  But I thought the old behavior was that the from address would be the noreply email and the "reply to" email would be the email entered.

Am I missing something here to make it easy for people to reply to the email?

11/27/2010 5:58:05 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Reply to for email

It has not changed. However ReplyTo is ignored by some email clients, so it is not very reliable.

11/27/2010 9:52:46 AM
Total Posts 41

Re: Reply to for email

Ignored, or not it would be the proper thing to do. 

What would be nice would be to have yet one more option on that form.  Currently we have the "Use entered email as from address?" option. 

Would be nice to have, "Use entered email as "reply to" address" then a person could have it show on one or both, with the help explaining the difference and issues.

11/27/2010 10:03:01 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Reply to for email

It always uses the entered address as the reply to address, though as stated it is ignored in some email clients.

If you use the entered email address as the from address then replying to the email will always work even in email clients that ignore the reply to.

The downside to using the entered address as the from address is that your smtp server is spoofing that from address which is not part of the domain for the smtp server and doing this spoofing can make it get caught by spam filters and could even possibly have a negative effect on the reputation of your smtp server and it's ip address.

It is much better if your smtp server only sends messages from users it is authoritative for.



11/27/2010 10:10:45 AM
Total Posts 41

Re: Reply to for email

It always uses the entered address as the reply to address


Interesting.  That isn't what gmail was showing me in the source.    I understand the risk/issues you bring up. 

11/27/2010 10:13:14 AM
Total Posts 41

Re: Reply to for email

Oh, and I just put some money in your bank account :-).  Nothing you'll get rich off of, but seriously.. your project just works.  There are things I don't like about the admin section, but the bottom line is that it works.

Totally off topic, but the only change I'd make is to have the admin section outside of the site theme.  Where it just looks like a dashboard/admin area and the site itself.. looks like the skin applied.  But I've grown to work with how it is :-)

11/27/2010 10:24:44 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Reply to for email

If you google for "gmail ignores replyto" you'll find lots of results including this thread on stackoverflow.

I'm actually thinking about an alternate administration section design, maybe something similar to the UI for my In Site Analytics Pro product. But lots of other users have also said they like the administration as it is so probably I will keep it but make an alternative administration ui at some point.

Haven't got the email yet about your donation but thanks! I do appreciate it!



11/27/2010 10:28:13 AM
Total Posts 41

Re: Reply to for email

Consider me a vote for a new admin UI :-)

I generally do sites for small non-profits at no benefit to myself, so I'm not making money off of this stuff... but still, it just work and figured even I can justify a cost of a meal to my wife to give away :-)

11/27/2010 10:33:27 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Reply to for email

Hey Thanks! Just got the email from PayPal, a very nice donation! Very much appreciated!



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