Sorry but I have no good advice for you on this. We don't create new or initial sites from database installation scripts, database scripts only create the tables and stored procs, then .NET code creates the initial site and calls the relevant data code to do it. There are lots of steps, it creates a site, roles, and an admin user in the admins role, creates folders, copies files for skins etc etc.
Those config settings control only existing sites not site creation. On a new installation there is no site until after the setup page runs so setting a specific culture for site1 has no effect during setup. The culture setting may apply if you visit setup page again after the first site is created because then it has a site context for site 1 before the page runs. These culture settings force the executing thread to execute in the context of the specified culture, but the setup page is not going to change the thread culture in the middle of execution after creating a site so it will not work.
Only ideas I can think of is find a way to ship a pre-populated database with your package. It could be done easily with SQL CE, though that may not be robust enough for your app needs.